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Selectmen Minutes 07/20/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
July 20, 2010

Members Present:  Chairman Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, D. Michael Paveglio and Jamie A Pike, Administrative Assistant.

Department Heads Present: Chief Patrick Clarke, Deputy Chief (DC) Alan Quimby, John Freeman, Jim Plunkett and Warden Stephen Stock.

Others Present:  Michelle Plunkett, Walter Sanborn, Captain Ed Millette, Barbara Frangione, Kristine Cole, and Donna Chagnon.

Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Department Head Reports

Police Department:  Chief Clarke reported that the new radar laser has come in and he is currently seeking a certified trainer.  All full-timers have gone through the driving course at LGC and will be enrolling the part timers as schedules allow.  The following statistics were reported for the month of June:  101 Incidents, 20 Arrests, 10 Accidents and 152 Warnings.

Regarding the letters to Diane and Cliff Vien, Chief Clarke submitted the report from Pittsfield.  The letters were refused.  The Viens demand that DC Quimby pick up the items that belong to the Fire Department.  The Board felt that with the many attempts to have the items returned in a reasonable manner, the case will be handed over the Chief Clarke and report the items as stolen.  Chief Clarke will speak with the Sheriff’s Office and move forward with charges.

Fire Department:  DC Quimby reported that the Concord Paramedic Intercept fee will be increasing to $538.13 per incident.  The CIP applications were submitted and included a fire truck for 2012 and an addition to the station.  DC Quimby expressed his desire to remove the fuel tank from the shed.  He feels that the fuel may be one of the causes of the engine failure.  The fuel is not used enough and has the opportunity to grow algae.  Other problems with the tank are that there is no protection from impact damage and an extension cord has to be pulled outside every time it is to be used.  Mr. Plunkett said that he has been researching alternative fuel tank pumps that would be key or card operated and able to provide usage information.  The Board directed DC Quimby and Mr. Plunkett to submit a proposal for a new system.   DC Quimby also reported that the Knox box key from Engine 3 is missing and the lock and key for each box will need to be replaced.  The CDL class with LGC is scheduled for Aug 30 through Sept 13th.  Ms. Cole provided the following statistics for the previous two weeks: 18 Calls, 66% medical, 1 zero response (Loudon covered).  The new Forestry truck was in the Pittsfield Parade and received the “Oldest in Service” award.

Highway Department:  Mr. Plunkett reported that he was on vacation the previous week.  During this time, the tree at the Hook Cemetery was taken down as well as trees along Lovers Lane Road.  Shoulder rehabilitation began on Center Road and will be finished after the Lane Road project is completed.  The Lane Road project will begin on Thursday, July 22nd with any necessary blasting work to be completed first.  Mr. Plunkett has taken all pre-blast water samples from the neighboring homes.  Lane Road from Euniques Antiques to Short Falls Road will be closed for the duration of the project, approximately 2 weeks.  Detour signs have been purchased and already in place.  All CIP submissions have been completed, and an e-mail was received from Doug Hall requesting further detailed information.  Mr. Plunkett also reported that the shed has been stained and painted.  Mr. Jordan inquired about the sink hole on Center Road.  Mr. Plunkett stated that he was unsure of the cause, but the roadway has been saw cut and will be repaired after Lane Road.  Mr. Paveglio recognized Mr. Plunkett for having received his Road Scholar Level One Certificate and Mr. Vien for having received his Senior Road Scholar certificate.

Building Inspector:  Mr. Freeman reported that he had been on vacation the two previous weeks and that there have been 3 single family home permits pulled so far for the month of July.

Forest Warden:  Warden Stock reported that we are in the midst of one of the driest summers in recent history.  There were no Chichester personnel at the recent Mt. Major fire.  Warden Stock also reported at the VFA grant applications are due September 30th and is currently putting together a proposal with the Fire Chief for the purchase of headlamps and field packs and possible a mobile pump for Forestry 2.

Other Departmental Discussion:  

Mr. Paveglio and Mr. DeBold reported that they attended the Joint Selectmen’s meeting in Epsom on Monday July 19th.  This meeting was to discuss the avulsion of the Suncook River and corrective action, if any to be taken.  One probable solution would be the removal of the Buck Street dam and the only effect on Chichester would be the lowering of the river depth.  The Governor’s office has called and invited one selectman and one staff member from each of the Towns to a meeting with him.  Mr. DeBold shall be the Chichester representative selectman.

Mr. Jordan expressed concern about the time and effort that the Department Heads have put into the CIP program and feels that the detail of data requested by the committee is excessive.  The CIP Committee will be requested to attend a meeting with the Board.

Mr. DeBold commended the Departments for their increased cooperative partnership.

Mr. DeBold shared a letter stating that the Hazard Mitigation Plan had been approved by the State.

Zoning Violation: K Towle Realty, LLC, Map 4 Lot 166, 126 Dover Road
Karen and William Towle were present to speak on the matter.

Ms. Towle explained they recognize that at times they have stored more than the approved limit of 5 units upon the property, but currently there are none.  She questioned why they could not keep as many units as they want as each is a registered unit and they are not a dealer or selling the units.  Mr. DeBold recalled the Planning Board approval of their site plan which limited the number of units to five (5) for advertising purposes.  This decision was reached as the site is located within the Commercial Village where automotive type uses are not permitted.  Ms. Towle explained the financial hardships they have faced over the past year.  They were forced to give up their primary storage space at Lugg Plaza, the Dairy Bar has closed and the Driving Range is operating on an honor system as it is not feasible to hire personnel to run the facility.  The Board pressed the Towles to apply to the Planning Board for a revision to the Site Plan.  As long as the Towles maintain interaction with the Planning Board the Board of Selectmen would not further seek punitive action regarding this violation.

Wayne McIntyre; Well water maintenance agreement
Wayne McIntyre was present to speak on the matter.

Mr. McIntyre explained to the Board that during the period of the Frekey-Harkness water case, the Town explored options of treating his water as it was also determined to be contaminated.  At the time, an agreement was made to abandon the drilled well on his property and use the dug well with a treatment system supplied and maintained by the Town.  Mr. McIntyre explained that although the water tests taken earlier this year were shown to be acceptable, the condition of the water in the dug well changes frequently.  Mr. McIntyre also explained that the pump in the drilled well is not operational, and the only way to test the water in this well is to replace the pump.  The Board was in agreement that the Town would continue to maintain the filtration and UV treatment system.  Crystal Hills Water will be notified to schedule and continue maintenance of this system.

Other Business

Giant Landscaping; Zoning Violation; Signage:  Mr. Jordan reported that he has visited the property and determined the signage is in violation of the ordinance.  A letter of violation shall be drafted.

Kevin Pearson: Abatement:  A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to abate the amount of $34,300, in assessed value, $1095.20 in tax (and any interest that may be due) on Map 2 Lot 51-17, located at: 24 Connemara Drive, Chichester, NH; for the tax years 2008 and 2009 for reasons as outlined in the Board of Tax and Land Appeals Decision Docket No. 24363-08PT.  Motion passes.

Fire Department/Town Employee Policy Review:  Mr. Pike reported that there were no instances of conflict that were grossly apparent upon a cursory review.  It was noted that the FD policy refers to an Appendix A which may be an annotated version of the Town Policy but such appendix is missing from the Town Copy, the Chief’s Copy and the Station Copy.

Fire Department:  Captain Millette requested an update as to outstanding issues involving the leadership of the Fire Department.  The Board asked the department to be patient as every effort is being made to resolve any issues and that procedures are followed accurately.  

Captain Millette also inquired as to the status of Mr. Wyatt and if the Board would reconsider hearing his appeal or allowing him and other terminated employees to be re-hired.  The Board recognized that DC Quimby had been given the authority to hire and dismiss employees at his discretion, but the Board desires to seek counsel opinion regarding the hiring of previously terminated personnel.

Office Air Conditioner:  A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,173.90 from the Office Equipment Capital reserve fund for the purposes of replacing the air conditioner in the Selectmen’s Office.  Such replacement will shall include the air conditioning unit, installation sleeve, 2 door frame fans and necessary electrical work.  Motion passes.

Non-Public Session
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II, C, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter into a non-public session to discuss a personnel matter.  (8:50pm) A roll call vote was taken.  
Mr. Jordan-YEA  Mr. DeBold-YEA  Mr. Paveglio-YEA  Motion passes.

Mr. Pike excused himself from the meeting for the purposes of this session.

A motion was made by Mr. Debold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to seal the minutes of the non-public session indefinitely and close the non-public session. (9:20pm)  A roll call vote was taken.  
Mr. Jordan-YEA  Mr. DeBold-YEA  Mr. Paveglio-YEA  Motion passes.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 9:25pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike. Administrative Assistant  Not approved until signed.


_______________________ _____________________________   _____________________
Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio